It feels like a lot has happened to Train Trax since I last sent an update email! The main thing has been a successful move across the trading estate to new larger premises. All contact details remain the same. I still have a few things to sort out, but it's going to be great having more room. I'll let you know when I get started on the testing layout I've got planned.

There have been several large deliveries of Unitrack and buildings over the last couple of days, with one more to come next week. Some new releases from Kato USA have also landed. See below for a few items where there's surplus after pre-orders have been despatched.

The Festival of British Railway Modelling

Next on the agenda is the 'Festival of British Railway modelling' at Doncaster Racecourse in a week or so. I'm booked to bring along a Train Trax stand, on Saturday 11th Feb and Sunday 12 Febreuary. I'll be roughly in the middle of the hall. I'm looking forward to meeting some more customers and chatting about all things Kato and Unitrack. It looks like a great show, and maybe I'll even sell a few things too.

Given the title of the event I probably won't be bringing along a whole load of US, Japanese or European models, instead I'll bring lots of Unitrack, T-TRAK modules, accessories, the Class 800s and a few 'freelance' trains. What would you like to see at the show? (I'm happy to accept requests for collection of website orders, and it anyone wants to see anything specific 'in the flesh' then let me know).

I will be taking a few days off during half term holidays, which corresponds with another planned Royal Mail strike, so any orders placed 14-16th February won't be despatched until the 17th February. Thank you for your patience - it's just me here so I need a short break from time to time!

Lastly, I took delivery of a large lot of second-hand Kato Japanese models today,  from the estate of a collector. It's all in excellent condition and will be listed on the Model Railway Magic eBay page over the next few months. If you want to take a look and make offers on any items, the rough list is here.

Have a great weekend!

"Probably the largest range of Kato Unitrack, Unitram
and buildings available in the UK today"

Train Trax exclusively Kato!

Model Railway Magic Ltd
The Raylor Centre
James St
YO10 3DW


Tel: 01904 215416

VAT Regn No. GB 397 2064 71
Company Number: 12703527

(C) Model Railway Magic Ltd 2023

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