June 2023 news from Train Trax UK

There's lots to include in this email. Keep reading to the end as that's where you'll find the discounts!

I took a few days break last week, this included a family trip to the wonderful Beamish museum. I spotted this tucked away near the loos, which reminded me rather a lot of the little Pocket Line shunters. I do hope it sees a bit of TLC in the future.


Back to the world of models, and I think the biggest news is that Big Boy is on the way (in fact by the time you've read this I've probably begun to despatch). I've managed to secure an extra allocation of all three versions of this iconic locomotive, so if you missed out on a pre-order it's not too late to add one. See below for links.

From the biggest steam loco, to the smallest in the KATO range, more of the little 'OBB' pocket line steam sets arrived last week. These are very popular.

We've also managed to get hold of some more of the latest batch of KATO Unitrack turntables. Only three currently in stock. Yes, the price has gone up on this  but there were problems with electronic component availability at the factory which means production was limited and the price had to rise (I believe it had been static for years).

The other arrival of of note is the rest of the DCC sound fitted GE ES44 locos from KatoUSA. There's just one of each of livery available - order quickly if you want one as these are normally only available to special order. As there's been quite a few Sound Fitted Kato USA locos arriving over the last few weeks (and more to come!); I've put together a little guide to what your options are if you want your Kato trains to make noise.


At the beginning of the month KATO Japan made their regular announcement. Compared to last month there are fewer items, but they might well be of interest. See below for pre-order links.

June Sale:

It's time for a rolling stock clearance sale. The company end-of-year stock taking is coming up, so we need to reduce stock to make everything a bit more manageable and make room for new items. Some shelves are groaning a bit.

You'll find some massive savings (more than 30% in some cases) on Japanese, North American and European trains. Browse or go to each category page and look for the items marked 'Sale'. These items will not be restocked (generally the distributers are now out of stock)  and reductions will end Monday 19th June. More items may be added as the week goes on. Keep an eye on the Train Trax Facebook page for notifications of this.

Again I'll be running some trains this weekend with the Yorkshire Area Group. I hope you find some time in the next few days to enjoy your collection or layout. In my next email I'll be featuring an amazing layout I've recently been to visit.

Best wishes.


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Model Railway Magic Ltd
The Raylor Centre
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YO10 3DW


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Company Number: 12703527

(C) Model Railway Magic Ltd 2023

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