More September 2023 News from Train Trax UK

I seems like yesterday that I was writing the previous of these emails - the last few weeks have flown by.It was great to meet some of you at The International N Gauge Show (TINGS). Despite the heat we had a great time and sold more that we have at any other show previously. I'll bring more stuff next year if they'll have us back! Many thanks to David L who helped out on the stand over the weekend.

Since then I've been keeping a low profile due to having a mountain of emails and admin to catch up on, but today I found time to get the latest announcments from Kato USA available to pre-order.See below for direct links. To summarise there's N gauge EMD SD90/43MAC locos in UP and CP liveries. As normal there's a range of running numbers and the choice of DC, DCC or DCC Sound fitted. All arrive in the first part of next year.

The second announcement from the USA is the Amtrak Phase III Viewliner II coach pack. This is 4-car set including 2 Sleepers,  1 Baggage-Dorm and 1 Diner. I think this one will be popular, so I'd highly recommend pre-ordering.

I mentioned the KATO Japan annoucements in my last emails, but to summarise there is a Shinkansen N700 series (8 car), N700  2000 series (8 car set and add on pack), C56 160 Japanese Steam Loco and appropriate rolling stock.For UK modellers, we also have a new OO9 Small England, and a 'new' Large England.On the Swiss side there's a re-run of the RhB Allegra and a newly numbered RhB Open Panoramic car.Finally, four bridges in a new light green colour.

Train Trax and Model Railway Magic are keeping busy, so I'm again on the lookout for some part-time help (12-15hr pw) with packing orders and customer service at our York HQ. If you'd like to know more and feel you might have some useful skills, then please do get in touch.

Best wishes
Ian Miller
on behalf of
Train Trax UK

Exclusively Kato!

Unitrack, Unitram and buildings.

Locomotives and Rolling Stock, North American and Japanese outline

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  • 24-818 Terminal Uni-Joiner (power feed)

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  • 20-000 248mm Straight Track (4 Pcs.)

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  • 24-840 Point/Turnout Switch

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  • 24-841 Turnout Extension Cord/Cable

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"Probably the largest range of Kato Unitrack, Unitram
and buildings available in the UK today"

Train Trax exclusively Kato!

Model Railway Magic Ltd
The Raylor Centre
James St
YO10 3DW


Tel: 01904 215416

VAT Regn No. GB 397 2064 71
Company Number: 12703527

(C) Model Railway Magic Ltd 2023

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