December 2023 Kato train news from Train Trax UK

Black Friday and Cyeber Monday is over for another year. No more sales for a while now - we're keeping plenty busy enough! Please place your Christmas order early to avoid disappointment. Last official order date will be 18th December - but I'd recommend not leaving it too late as we've already seen localised Royal Mail delays.

Manchester Show this December 9th/10th. A reminder that Train Trax will have a large stand full of Kato Unitrack in N and HO gauges, plus a variety of trains, buildings and accessories in N.  It will be possible shortly to order for collection at the show. You can also drop me an email if there is something in particular you want to see. There's some really intersting looking layours on the bill too. I'm looking forward to it a lot!

See below for a few other new items to look forward to. Two special edition Allegra liveries and some more America container wagon sets.

We're expecting a significant price rise on many Unitrack items over the next few weeks. As Kato Japan put it in their charming English 'We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the price revision procedures and the increase in purchase prices, and ask for your understanding in this matter.'

Buy now to save before we pass on the price increases - we're just waiting for the new UK RRP to be confirmed.

This morning Kato Japan made their monthly announcements of new items to be produced over the next few months. I'll send another email once I've digested the contents!

Best wishes,

Ian Miller

on behalf of Train Trax UK

PS. I wrote a few notes about the company's financial year which ended in June. As customers you are welcome to read them here:


Exclusively Kato!

Unitrack, Unitram and buildings.

Locomotives and Rolling Stock, North American and Japanese outline

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  • 24-818 Terminal Uni-Joiner (power feed)

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  • 20-000 248mm Straight Track (4 Pcs.)

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  • 24-840 Point/Turnout Switch

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  • 24-841 Turnout Extension Cord/Cable

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"Probably the largest range of Kato Unitrack, Unitram
and buildings available in the UK today"

Train Trax exclusively Kato!

Model Railway Magic Ltd
The Raylor Centre
James St
YO10 3DW


Tel: 01904 215416

VAT Regn No. GB 397 2064 71
Company Number: 12703527

(C) Model Railway Magic Ltd 2023

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