March KATO news from Train Trax UK ๐Ÿš…

When I originally sent this, it was a long email, for reasons which will hopefully become clear, settle down with a brew of your choice and have a browse through.

Each month, Kato announce what they are going to be producing over the next few months. It's always a mix of re-runs and new items. At the beginning of this month they announced the most items I've ever seen.In the original I tried to break it all down for your easy consumption, but you don't get that version here!

In other news, we've had plenty of arrivals over the last few days. We have a couple of DCC Sound Fitted KatoUSA "Big Boys" remaining due to pre-order cancellations. At the time of writing we're the only UK retailer to have any stock of these. Some have been lucky enough to also receive their Paddington Class 800 sets. These are lovely, but sold out on pre-order. I'm hoping for a second batch to be delivered soon! Other new arrivals are listed here and include a lovely Japanese steamer.

We've also re-stocked on many essenytial Unitrack accessories that have been out of stock for a while.You may have seen that we're recruiting for someone to help with customer service and the second-hand side of the business. Details here.

We send out this news email every couple of weeks, but only to the 3,200 (ish) folk who have actively subscribed.ย If you don't want to get the emails anymore then please let us know and we'd be happy to remove your email address, or use the Unsubscribe link. Please DON'T mark the emails as spam, as that messes things up for other people. You may receive some emails asking you to confirm your subscription over the next few weeks. I want to be sure that these emails only get to the people who want them.

Best wishes,
Ian Miller
On behalf of Train Trax UK

Exclusively Kato!

Unitrack, Unitram and buildings.

Locomotives and Rolling Stock, North American and Japanese outline

No products in the basket.

"Probably the largest range of Kato Unitrack, Unitram
and buildings available in the UK today"

Train Trax exclusively Kato!

Model Railway Magic Ltd
The Raylor Centre
James St
YO10 3DW


Tel: 01904 215416

VAT Regn No. GB 397 2064 71
Company Number: 12703527

(C) Model Railway Magic Ltd 2023

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