Are you happy with your purchases? If not - contact me and I'll try my utmost to sort out the problem. If you are happy, read on...
When I updated this website, it was decided that the old product star ratings/'reviews' weren't worth copying across. However, this does leave the new site with very little customer feedback, which I know from personal experience is very useful when online shopping.
I'd love to hear feedback and get some (more) reviews on the site, so for anyone who posts a review (minimum 20 words), I'll send a voucher for 5% off your next 5 orders. Of course you'll also get that nice warm fuzzy feeling for helping other people!
All you need to do is find the 'reviews' tab below the photo on any product page, and add a product review. Your details won't be used for anything else.
Feel free to share this offer anywhere online where you think there may be helpful people who have knowledge and experience of KATO!
To ensure accuracy, reviews are limited to those who have purchased the items via Train Trax. Discount code will be sent within 5 days and is valid for 5% off all items except sale items and pre-orders and can be used up to 5 times.
Many customers are also invited to send 'Service Reviews' on the independant site Trust Pilot. Click the score above to read what people thought of our service. These reviews are on a seperate system, and not currently eligible for discounts.
Unitrack, Unitram and buildings.
Locomotives and Rolling Stock, North American and Japanese outline
"Probably the largest range of Kato Unitrack, Unitram
and buildings available in the UK today"
Train Trax exclusively Kato!
Model Railway Magic Ltd
The Raylor Centre
James St
YO10 3DW
Tel: 01904 215416
VAT Regn No. GB 397 2064 71
Company Number: 12703527
(C) Model Railway Magic Ltd 2023