Happy New Year from Train Trax UK - new 2025 liveries from KatoUSA and more ๐Ÿš„

Thank you so much for your support throughout 2024. We truly appreciate your interest in our little business. From all of us at Model Railway Magic, Train Trax UK, and The Model Tree Shop, we wish you all the best for 2025.

We're going to try a slightly different format for this email, so let us know if you like it. Don't forget to read all the way to the bottom for the latest news!

In stock now:

Already this year we've had some deliveries of brand new items, from Japan and KatoUSA. See below for the latest version of the N700S Shinkansen and the EMD NW2 switching locos in three exciting liveries. We've noticed a lot of interest in DCC Sound recently, and there's five new versions of KatoUSA'S EMD SD70MAC which are ready to go with factory fitted ESU LokSound decoders. There's limited UK availability on these so when they're gone they're gone. 
To come later in the year:
At the end of 2024 KatoUSA announced new versions of the GE P42 "Genesis". Two liveries, each with two road numbers. Amtrak Phase VII #82 and #174 and the distinctive VIA Rail #901 and #917. These will each be available in the normal DC/Analogue, DCC fitted and fully DCC Sound fitted options. Due to arrive late summer or early autumn. Pre-order links are at 'Pre-Orders? Reserve them here' for all the variations!
Kato in Japan also made some announcements over our festive break - there's some great items included but we're still waiting for UK and Europe pricing before we can open pre-orders. We'll send details in our next email, or make sure you follow our Facebook pageTo tease you all here's KATO's posters - we're expecting those Glacier Express sets to be popular.
What else for 2025?
No doubt things will work out differently, but I've been doing some planning over the last couple of days. We're thinking about the next outing for our sales stand - the AMRSS show at Glasgow SEC in February. After that we'll be getting to grips properly with The Model Tree Shop and then perhaps some more excitement around the York show at Easter. We've also got some great ideas for T-TRAK and Hex-TRAK modules we want to build! If you've read as far as this then you must be taking things seriously.
What are you planning for 2025?
Best wishes,
Ian Miller

"Probably the largest range of Kato Unitrack, Unitram
and buildings available in the UK today"

Train Trax exclusively Kato!

Model Railway Magic Ltd
The Raylor Centre
James St
YO10 3DW


Tel: 01904 215416

VAT Regn No. GB 397 2064 71
Company Number: 12703527

(C) Model Railway Magic Ltd 2023

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