V3 Rail Yard Switching Set Includes:
- 8 x K20-000 (Ground Level 248mm Straight Track)
- 2 x K20-010 (Ground Level 186mm Straight Track)
- 2 x K20-030 (Ground Level 64mm Straight Track)
- 3 x K20-046 (Ground Level Buffer Stop (Brick) on 62mm Straight)
- 3 x K20-150 (Ground Level Radius 718mm Curved Track 15 Deg.)
- 2 x K20-202 (Left Hand Electric Point Radius 718mm 15 Deg.)
- 1 x K20-203 (Right Hand Electric Point Radius 718mm 15 Deg.)
- 3 x K24-840 (Point Switch)
The Kato UNITRACK Master (M) and Variation (V) sets are the ultimate expansion track sets, perfect for beginners who are looking to get started in the hobby, while also providing complex structures for those seeking to create more complex and advanced layouts! Starting with the base Master Set, you can expand to create any layout you desire by adding as many Variation sets or individual unitrack pieces as you like! Each Variation set box contains a complete layout landmark, whether it's a staging yard, a passing siding, or a flyover viaduct bridge
UNITRACK can be used in nearly any layout situation - large or small, permanent or temporary. UNITRACK can be the answer for the beginner looking for a trouble-free introduction into model railroading without the frustration and disappointment of rail and electrical problems. UNITRACK also meets the needs of advanced hobbyists, providing superior quality to an entire layout or the flexible solution to the ever-changing "staging yard."
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