Before starting a YouTube search for ‘T-TRAK’ will provide a lot of information and ideas to familiarise yourself with the concept. Another excellent resource is
Board assembly:
T-Trak double – the cut out for the electrical access is off set.
T-Trak corner outside – two of the sides have an additional hole for an optional filler sky board, these holes need to be adjacent to each other on the inside of the curve.
Track laying & power:
For a straight (single, double or triple) module you’ll want the possibility of connecting power to the track. This isn’t straightforward on corners or junctions so you don’t need to include a power connector. All modules also get power via the uni-joiners on the rail ends:
There are a few ways to power the track, choose from -
After deciding on your method, drill any appropriate holes and test lay the outer track on the board, the track bed should overhang by about 1mm on either side, laying the track edge against the engraved line, when happy secure the track to the board. To secure the track you can choose to:
To get the correct track spacing at the board ends the most accurate is to use a short double track section (eg KATO 20-042) and connect both track ends to this. The Kato re-railer KATO 24-000) can also be used a spacing guide – it has notches on the side which fit the rails at 33mm spacing.
For the modules with power connectors, Yorkshire area group have settled on phono sockets rather than Anderson power poles as per the T-Trak specification. (Anderson power poles are easier to come by in the USA and considerably cheaper than here, the Australians use phono sockets.)
Modules are supplied with sockets and a small 3d printed plate to attach to the back of the baseboard. This should be screwed into the opening with the supplied screws.
To use phono connectors with a KATO connector you’ll need to cut off the ends of the KATO connectors and then re-solder to the phono plugs. No matter what method you use to connect the power, ensure you get the polarity correct as follows:
We recommend the following wiring convention:
Track | Rail | 24-818 Wire colour | Rear Socket connection |
Front | Front | Blue | White Phono outside ‘ring’ terminal |
Front | Back | White/Grey | White phono inside ‘tip’ terminal |
Back | Front | White/grey | Black phono inner ‘tip’ terminal |
Back | Back | Blue | Black phono outside ‘ring’ terminal |
Finishing off:
For more information:
T-Trak standards can be found at N-Rail
Unofficial T-Trak handbook
Get in touch with me
Come along to an NGS Yorkshire Area Group meeting
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