Among the E233 series group, which has an overwhelming presence in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the E233 series 3000 series is active throughout the Kanto region, extending from the Tohoku Line and Takasaki Line in the north to the Tokaido Line and Ito Line in the south.
It is the main suburban train that connects the major arteries of the metropolitan area, and is operated in up to 15-car formations by connecting E233 series or E231 series.
Together with the E231 series, E259 series, E261 series, and E257 series limited express trains that operate on the same route, you can enjoy the atmosphere of the Ueno Tokyo Line, where a variety of trains come and go.
- N gauge Starter set E233 series 3000 series Tokaido Line/Ueno Tokyo Line
Unitrack track consists of one oval equivalent to M1 set
・Vehicles included in the set are <10-1267S E233 series 3000 series Tokaido Line/Ueno Tokyo Line basic set (4 cars)>
- The power pack is easy to use and uses the high-output (1.2A) "Power Pack Standard SX" and an AC adapter with UK plug.
- Adopts curved track R315 for smooth running!
- Included The Plan Variation Guide is a treasure trove of track plans. You can enjoy more expandable system development.
・There is a secret pocket inside the package, where you can store the vehicle set case, tracks, etc. that you purchase later.
・Accessories: Starter set: Replacement front display, roof equipment, light off switch driver, quick start guide (instruction manual), plan variation guide
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