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The leading and trailing wheels are now spoke wheels, giving the undercarriage a firmer feel.
Main Features
・The leading wheels are spoke wheels. The realistic appearance with the gaps between the spokes is reproduced.
・The narrow space between the engine and the tender, the height difference, and other aspects of the overall balance are taken into consideration, and the proportions are designed to preserve the atmosphere of the D51.
・The driver's cab can accommodate a driver figure due to the compact size of the motor, and the back plate and driver's seat are also reproduced.
・The body is painted with a matte finish to resemble an active machine from the JNR era, and the copper color of the air-working tube is reproduced.
・There is a round window at the top of the driver's cab end and it is equipped with an ATS generator.
・The deflector is a type with an inspection window.
・The front part has a snowplow but no obstacle deflector.
・Spoke leading wheels and trailing wheels are installed. A more realistic suspension is reproduced.
・By installing a coupler for connecting the leading part, it is possible to operate in multiple units. Includes a replacement knuckle coupler for the tender, and a multiple-unit coupler for leading (one each for Arnold and knuckle).
- Minimum passing radius: R249mm
- Just like the real vehicle, the gap between the boiler and the frame and the wheel core of the box driving wheel with holes are reproduced.
- Realistic reproduction of details such as the cylinder butt rod, cab underframe, and mesh pattern of the running board.
- Headlights light up.
- Equipped with a flywheel, the power unit collects electricity not only from the engine but also from all the tender axles, ensuring stable running.
- Selectable number plates: "352", "453", "611", "829"
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