10-2102 205 Series 3100 Senseki Line Color (1 Panto) 4-Car Set

(UK RRP: £?160.00)


Only 2 left available for pre-ordering


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●The Senseki Line is the only JR direct current electrified section in the Tohoku region, connecting Aoba-dori to Sendai, Matsushima Kaigan, and Ishinomaki. Since 2002, the 205 series has been converted into a leading car and organized into a 4-car formation, and the 3100 series transferred from the Tokyo metropolitan area has been in use, with one-pantograph formations with unmodified pantograph mounting parts and modified two-pantograph formations.

◆As a new variation of the 205 series 3100 series, a one-pantograph formation with unmodified pantograph mounting parts has been introduced.
This product can be enjoyed along with the 701 series, which is active in the same area. It is also recommended as a collection for those who already own Senseki Line products.


Main Features

①The M10 train set belonging to the Miyagino Branch of the Sendai Rolling Stock Center in 2025 is commercialized.
②The blocked side window at the end of the car, the toilet tank under the floor, and the traces of the removed ventilator of the Kuha 205, which is equipped with a toilet, are accurately reproduced.
③The "ATACS" antenna unique to Senseki Line vehicles attached to the Kuha 204 is reproduced.
④The roof of the Moha 205, which is equipped with one pantograph, is reproduced.
⑤The "door opening switch" installed next to the door is reproduced.
⑥The exterior finish of the different materials such as the paint on the steel body part of the front part and the stainless steel part of the car body are accurately reproduced.
⑦The grayed-out floor equipment and bogies are reproduced.
⑧The intermediate coupling part uses a bogie-mounted close-coupled coupler with a jumper tube. Both front parts have dummy couplers.
⑨The head/tail lights and the front part destination display are lit.
⑩A sticker containing the LED side destination display is included.


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